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Blogging is a huge passion of mine. A UK company named Global Writers started off my blogging career with Academic SEO articles, as well as Academic Blogs. I still do work for them to this day and enjoy every minute of it. Since then, I have done many other Blogs for different niches such as online marketing, fitness, freelance writing, security, and more. The following link will navigate you to one of my favourite Blogs which I continue to work on:
Digital Direct – Online Marketing Blog
Product Descriptions
Companies with sites that have various products often call on writers like myself to write scintillating content about each individual product. Customers like to have a general idea of what your company does; but they also want to go more in-depth when taking a closer look at a particular product or feature.
Voice-over Scripts
Radio ads, conference videos and marketing expos all need a decent voice-over script to make the speaker sound authoritative. This isn’t like normal writing, so make sure you get an expert copywriter to do yours.
Website Content
Every company needs a website. Every website needs content. In fact, the more content your website has, the more optimized it will be towards search engines. But does your content tell customers what you do, or does it tell them how you are unique from your competitors. My website content aims for the latter.
Conceptual Copywriting
Landing pages are becoming an essential marketing tool in the online world. Each landing page should compel your customers to initiate the call to action you have in mind. Professional copywriters know how to create clicks and get clients to fill in forms. It’s all about buying! If your content isn’t generating sales, get yourself another writer.
They act as great free gifts, and can be used to further promote a product. eBooks are an important part of marketing, so don’t leave this one out of your arsenal. A decent eBook requires intensive research, an easy-to-read format and descriptive writing that makes readers go, “Aha!”
Online Magazine
I have written for a number of magazines, but my most regular client is All4Women. I have done some educational reports, but mostly they hired me to write sensationalist articles of weird news around the world. You can view my full portfolio by clicking the link below:
All4Women – Online Magazine Articles
SEO Articles
SEO writing is more of a constrained form of putting content together. You have to have lots of experience in doing this to make it reader friendly for people, as well as Google’s crawlers. As an SEO consultant, I understand how to do this and I’ve written over 200 pieces of SEO content to date.
Some websites I’ve helped contribute to are:
…and many, many more!