DID YOU KNOW it takes your users an average of 8 seconds to decide whether your content is interesting or not?

A separate study shows that 55% of users navigate away from a page within the first 15 seconds of landing there!
Got your attention?
My name is Copley Sutton, and I believe that excellent content is the fuel that drives SEO and online reputation management. My skills involve SEO copywriting, user-friendly blogging, and website content that’ll keep your users hooked and ready to buy.
Copywriting is more than just good content; it’s all about having a conversation with your clients. Choose me if that’s what you wish to achieve.
My freelance copywriting portfolio consists of various categories I’ve been lucky enough to work in. Please click on the most relevant category to what you’re looking for and I’m sure you’ll appreciate the quality of my work!
Please feel free to email me: copywriter@copleysutton.co.za