6 tips that will help you improve the quality of an academic essay

If you’ve started writing—or have already written—your essay assignment, you may wonder why it’s lacking that X-factor that so often raises eyebrows and obtains an above average score. Looking back, of all the essays you’ve written in the past, the best are most probably the ones you actually enjoyed writing. Here are some ways to learn how to have fun during the writing of your essays.


Find a niche within your topic and drive it home

No matter what the topic, find an angle on that topic that fits in with your passion. You can’t go wrong with your essay if there’s some niche material mixed in that you can write on. If and when you have the freedom to choose your angle, or even your topic, write on something that you know and love so that the reader can see the passion through the words.


Take an unexpected turn

When you’re concentrating on working out an unexpected twist in your essay, you’ll hardly notice the work aspect of your writing. Intentionally surprise your reader with some wacky implications or whimsical results. A bit of comedy can also be a welcome addition, but be sure to know when to make a joke and when to remain sober minded.


Take breaks, and relax while you write

Good essays aren’t written in a hurry. Rather allocate yourself enough time to write the essay so that you won’t have to rush through it. You’ll find that once you’re relaxed, you write with more enjoyment, and end up finishing sooner than expected anyway.


Watch videos about your topic

It’s easier to relay information back in your own words if you get the information from a video as opposed to writing material. There are tons of free video materials on the internet where valuable research data can be extracted. Give these a view if you’re sick of reading up on your topic.


Ask an opinion on relevance

Once your essay is done, it can’t hurt to ask a professional writer what they think. They can even fix up a few edits you may have missed and advise you on whether the essay is good, or GREAT. Writers have seen countless work, so you can trust they know what they’re talking about.


Now writing assignments don’t seem so bad anymore. With writing becoming a fun activity, the quality of your essays automatically rises and so does your grade.